Why You Should Consider These Non-Surgical Options for Treating SUI from Uresta®

Suffering with stress urinary incontinence (SUI) caused by pelvic organ prolapse isn’t fun for any woman. Leaking when you laugh, cough or sneeze can have a dramatic effect that causes quality of life to suffer. Soiled underwear, the need to use sanitary pads, the worry that you won’t be able to ‘hold it’ – these concerns can make simple tasks such as going to the grocery store or visiting friends much more complicated and daunting.

Luckily, stress urinary incontinence is treatable, and the symptoms can be mitigated effectively.

A popular procedure used to correct the cause of SUI is mesh surgery and it is often what doctors will prescribe. However, while surgical mesh is proven to be effective, an invasive surgery might not be the best course of action for everyone – and it certainly isn’t the only option that’s available.

Keep reading for some non-surgical treatment options to help SUI sufferers regain control over their symptoms.

Surgical Mesh: What Is It?

Typically made fromnon-absorbable synthetic polypropylene, surgical mesh is a screen-like material used to reinforce tissue or even bone. It is used widely to aid in repairing stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and pelvic organ prolapse (POP) in women.

Surgical mesh is permanently implanted through a surgical procedure to help support the urethra and bladder neck for SUI patients, or help reinforce the vaginal wall in a POP repair procedure.

What is stress urinary incontinence (SUI)?

Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is a weakening of the muscles and tissues in the pelvis that cause the bladder neck to shift downwards. Pregnancy, childbirth and aging often leave pelvic muscles stretched or weakened which creates this unwanted condition. SUI causes urine to leak from the bladder during certain activities that put pressure or strain on the abdomen. This includes laughing, coughing, sneezing and exercising – everyday activities that it would be difficult to live without. SUI affects not only the day-to-day lives of sufferers, but also their mood and confidence.

Surgery should be a last resort

In the case of stress urinary incontinence, surgical mesh in sub-urethral or mid-urethral sling procedures are considered standard practice for the management of SUI and pelvic organ prolapse, boasting a very successful treatment history. However, even with its high rate of success, opting for mesh surgery straight away could be a mistake.

Here’s something to think about. There are many factors to consider when deciding how to treat stress urinary incontinence, including the severity of symptoms, their effect on daily activities and several others such as age, plans for future pregnancy or medical history. Surgery is not always the best choice for every woman, and all non-surgical treatment options should at least be considered first. Many non-surgical options have proven to be effective for reducing the symptoms of SUI to manageable levels or even correcting them entirely. Surgeries are also inherently invasive, and while very rare, complications may occur. If it turns out that non-surgical treatments aren’t effective, then a surgical mesh procedure can always be prescribed. Consulting with a medical professional should always be the first step in determining the best course of treatment.

What are some non-surgical options for treating SUI?

It is highly recommended to exhaust every non-surgical treatment option for stress urinary incontinence before going under the knife. There are four main options to try out and determine if they are an effective treatment.

Pelvic floor exercises: These are specific exercises designed to strengthen the pelvic floor. Involving repeated contraction and relaxation of the muscles surrounding the urethral, vaginal and rectal openings, these are often referred to as Kegel exercises. Practicing regularly improves the strength and function of these important muscles that assist in holding urine inside the bladder more effectively.

Pessary: These removable devices are inserted into the vagina and positioned against the vaginal wall to help support the bladder neck. These tampon-like devices reposition the urethra to reduce stress urinary incontinence. There are several types of pessary on the market including the leading brand Uresta®.

Transurethral bulking agents: Collagen injections help to thicken the space around the urethra and help control the leakage of urine. This treatment is not permanent and will need to be repeated to maintain effectiveness.

Modifying behaviour: This means abstaining from activities that trigger leaking. While not an ideal solution, behaviour modification can often help alleviate the worst symptoms in conjunction with Kegel exercises and a pessary device.

Is Uresta® the best choice for SUI control?

how uresta works

Unlike products that absorb or cover up leaks, Uresta® stops them. Other products are also often bulky, messy, carry odours and need to be changed when wet. Uresta® inserts just like a tampon and is comfortable to wear all day. There are also different sizing options available for the perfect fit and protection. Uresta® is reusable (lasts for a full year), cost effective and is much more environmentally friendly than disposable options.

Clinical studies show that 17 out of 20 women realized significantly reduced bladder leaks while using Uresta®, and6 out of 10 women saw the problem completely eliminated. Designed by a urogynecologist to fit your body and stop bladder leaks, Uresta® is manufactured in Canada.

Uresta® – Bladder Support for WomenDisposable leak control options
Stops leaks before they happenOnly absorb leaks
Safe all-day protectionRequire replacement when wet
Reusable for a whole yearDispose after every use
Comfortable, compact and discreetBulky, awkward and uncomfortable
More environmentally friendlyMust be thrown away after use
Cost effectiveMore than 5 times as expensive

Uresta® bladder support products provide the freedom to live your life without the worry of bladder leaks.

The content and opinions included in this article are intended for informational purposes only and has been sponsored by Uresta.