Top 10 Reasons for Hair Loss in Women

Everyone loses as many as 50 to 100 strands of hair every day as a part of the growth cycle, wherein new hair grows to replace the lost ones. This is normal functioning and should not be considered to be hair loss. When hair begins to thin, in extreme conditions exposing the scalp, then it should be considered a medical condition which needs proper treatment.

Women lose hair due to illness, certain medications, pregnancy and childbirth, or due to heredity. Addressing the cause rather than the symptoms is the best way to deal with hair loss. Here are some of the common reasons for hair loss in women.

1. Telogen Effluvium

When women suffer sudden hair loss following a stressful event, surgery, weight loss or childbirth, it is referred to as Telogen Effluvium. Fortunately, this sudden scary hair loss is temporary and will stop in the absence of a trigger.

2. Medication

women-hair-lossIt is known that harsh medications, especially the ones to treat cancer can lead to temporary baldness in both men and women. Considering their benefits and importance in the treatment, the option of either taking them or not should be discussed with the doctors.

Medications for arthritis, high blood pressure, depression, birth control, etc. and high doses of Vitamin A, blood thinners, etc. are known to cause severe hair loss in women.

3. Childbirth

The hormonal levels shoot up in a pregnant woman preventing her from losing even normal amounts of hair during pregnancy. But after childbirth, the levels of hormone return to normalcy resulting in hair loss to regulate the hair growth cycle.

4. Heredity

A genetic condition commonly known as Androgenetic Alopecia (Female Pattern Hair Loss) is common reason for hair loss in women. Unfortunately, the condition that leads to 95% of hair loss from the scalp is permanent.

5. Lupus

Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease where the immune system goes haywire attacking healthy tissues. It has serious health implications and hair loss is also a part of the symptoms. It can result in mild hair fall to severe conditions where hair could come out in bunches leaving a rash on the scalp.

6. Thyroid Disorders

Either of the conditions of Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism can lead to hair loss in women, in addition to changing the texture of hair, making it dry, rough and easy to tangle. Apart from the scalp, thyroid problems are also known to cause hair fall on eyebrows and other body parts.

7. Iron Deficiency

Deficiency in iron or anemia results in shortage of RBC which is required for supplying oxygen throughout the body. Hair loss is one of the symptoms that hint at Iron Deficiency Anemia especially in those women who do not consume enough iron rich food or go through heavy menstrual bleeding.

8. External Damage

Women who expose their hair to chemicals, sunlight, and other environmental hazards will consequently have thinning of hair which will be accompanied by loss of shine, volume, and luster. Dyeing, shampooing, blow drying, straightening, or perming hair and extreme styling when done frequently can cause hair fall, especially with products that are not safe and cause irreparable damage to the hair.

9. Nutrition and Diet

Women who suffer from anorexia and bulimia are known to have hair loss accompanied by loss in weight. Fad diets and even the diet prescribed by medical professionals for controlling obesity are known to cause hair loss in women, often preceding the weight loss. Healthy diet and balanced intake of nutrition can help in controlling hair fall to some extent.

10. Stress and Anxiety

Anxiety and stress take their toll on the whole health and hair is no exception. Taking proper rest, practicing relaxation techniques, and getting sufficient sleep can help in preventing hair loss.